Wexford Harbour Boat & Tennis Club

Updated Constitution


Date: April 10, 2024

Updated Constitution May 2023 


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Update regarding Juniors - Covid-19


Date: October 28, 2020

We have received updated guidance from our sporting bodies and the Government that clarifies that  

  • Junior training / coaching (Children of school going age are permitted to train) for both Tennis and Boating.  
  • Unless deemed essential ALL facilities must close. Accordingly, our shed must now close also.  

Apologies for the changes and rather frequent updates, but we are simply reacting to the guidance from our Sporting representative associations and from Sporting Ireland and the Government. We are passing it on as soon as we possibly can in what is a very fluid situation.  

In the meantime, stay safe and if you need assistance, please just call. We have volunteers just ready to help.  


Enda Murphy, Commodore


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Covid-19 Announcement - Further changes


Date: October 22, 2020


Despite the guidance on Club activities provided last night and this morning, unfortunately I must report a significant change. 


Tennis Ireland have amended their instructions and requested all Clubs to suspend ALL Tennis activities. This includes junior coaching.


At this time guidance on boating remains unchanged. 


The situation is fluid and the Sporting Ireland expert group is meeting later today so we may see further changes. 


The Management Committee will endeavour to keep you up to date.  


Yours sincerely


Enda Murphy




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Policy for Parties/Function/Meetings


Date: October 05, 2023

Policy on using club premises for Parties/Functions/Meetings.


1.       All requests for use of the club facilities for meetings, parties or other functions shall be referred to the Vice-Commodore for decision. If the Vice-Commodore has any concerns a decision will be referred to the management committee.

2.       Any request to use the club premised for parties/functions must be made by a member of the club or the request must be supported by a club member.

3.       A non-member wishing to use the club for a function must become a pavilion member to satisfy conditions set out in the 1904 Registration of Clubs Act.

4.       There will be a charge of €50 for use of the club for meetings.

5.       Arrangements for staffing and security will be the responsibility of the Vice-Commodore, in conjunction with the bar manager. Any security costs deemed necessary will be charged to the organizers

6.       Access to the downstairs area, the tennis courts, the pontoon and other boating areas, are strictly forbidden, unless with the express permission of the Vice-Commodore.

7.       The club will not accept bookings for 18th birthday parties and will accept bookings for 21st birthday parties only from families who are members of the club.

8.       The Vice-Commodore may request a deposit of €100 to cover any damages or cleaning costs. If no costs are incurred this deposit will be returned. The Vice-Commodore may, on occasion seek a larger deposit.

9.       If the kitchen is used by the organizers, there will be a charge of €50

10.   The party organizers must ensure that no damage is done to the premises when hanging decorations etc. They must also ensure that the premised is left in a clean and tidy condition after the party. They are responsible for all cleaning and washing up in the kitchen. All waste food must be disposed of properly.

11.   Children are the responsibility of their parents/guardians and must vacate the premises by 9.00pm.


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